You can lead the change by choosing who represents you and leads your Union.
Your Student Officer Team will represent you and the 25,000+ other Queen's students and make real decisions that make a real impact on your lives.
It’s so important that you have your say in who you want to represent you for loads of reasons, outlined below.
Plus, as a thank you, we're giving away £1k in cash prizes - just vote to be in with a chance of winning!
Have a look at The Candidates who are running and read their manifestos.
They outline their pledges and promises and will let you know what they plan to do for you if they get elected.
It’s important to read these so you can pick the best team to lead your Union.
In the past, it has sometimes been a really close call between Candidates, so every single vote really does count.
Last year just over 4,200 students voted.
Think about the power that the other 20,000 of you have to make a difference!
It’s all online and there’s handy Vote Step-by-Step and Vote Smart guides.
You can do it from the comfort of your own home, and it only takes 5-10 mins tops.
Now that you know all the reasons you should vote, you should have a look at all The
Candidates in the running.