The Role of a Student Councillor
Student Council is the governing body and main decision-making forum of the Students’ Union and is made up of 6 full-time Student Officers, 12 Part-Time Student Officers, 3 Faculty Reps, 17 Undergraduate School Reps, 17 Postgraduate School Reps and a further 86 students elected from across the University.
Student Council is a brilliant opportunity to represent your fellow students and their views, decide what the Union should be working on, what position we take on local and global issues and also make sure that the Student Officers are working hard to make the changes you want to happen.
Your time as a Councillor will also count towards a Queen’s Degree Plus Award which recognises extra-curricular activity and helps you stand out to employers.
Student Councillor - Role Description (PDF)
To make Student Council as representative of the student body at Queen’s as possible, councillors are elected from different student categories in Queen’s. You must be from that category to stand for election and to vote. Any student may stand for election to the Council.
The categories are:
- Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (Undergraduate) - 15 Vacancies
- Faculty of Engineering & Physical Science (Undergraduate) - 15 Vacancies
- Faculty of Medicine Health & Life Sciences (Undergraduate) - 16 Vacancies
- Postgraduate (All Faculties) - 20 Vacancies
- All Students (All students can stand and vote) - 5 Vacancies
- All First-Year Students (All 1st year students can stand and vote) - 5 Vacancies
- International Students (All international students can stand and vote, including those from INTO-Queen’s) - 5 Vacancies
- Queen's Accommodation (All students can stand and vote) - 5 Vacancies
Just complete the nomination form to stand for election.
After submitting your nomination, you can still withdraw your nomination if you change your mind about standing for election. You must do this before the nominations deadline.
Nominations for these positions close on Thu 8 Oct, 5pm.
Vote on on 13 Oct, 8am - 8pm!
Results will be announced no later than Thu 22 Oct on our Elections page.