The Results - Meet Your 2020-21 New Student Officer Team
We're delighted to announce who you have elected to be your 2020-21 Student Officer Team!
They'll represent you and your 25,000+ fellow students, make the changes that matter to you and will lead the Union.
Your Full-Time Student Officers
Your Part-Time Student Officers
- Dhirajsingh Taur, Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) Students’ Officer
- Michael McConway, Disabled Students' Officer
- Caomhan Rodgers, Environmental Officer
- Adam Farhan, International Students’ Officer
- Eibhlin NicCormaic, Irish Language Officer
- Sunday Taggart, LGBT+ Students’ Officer
- Peter McMurray, Mature & Part-Time Students’ Officer
- Conor McKay, Student Parents’ & Carers’ Officer
- Kit Penlington, Trans Students’ Officer
- Jill McManus, Women Students’ Officer
Full details of elections results, including vote breakdown is avaiable from the Student Voice Team.