GP Society

QUB GP Society aims to increase awareness and interest in relation to careers in General Practice among today's medical students!
  • About
  • Events
  • Elections


QUB GP Society aims to increase awareness and interest in relation to careers in General Practice among today's medical students.

We run a wide range of academic and educational events for our members  throughout the year. These have included things such as GP Career talks, Virtual Mock OSCEs, Instagram MCQs and Tackling Loneliness Projects! We are continuing to grow and develop as a society and if you would like to see a future event, get in touch. 

For full details and further information, be sure to check out our Facebook/Twitter/Instagram accounts.  


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No current elections running


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GP Society

QUB GP Society aims to increase awareness and interest in relation to careers in General Practice among today's medical students!

QUB GP Society aims to increase awareness and interest in relation to careers in General Practice among today's medical students.

We run a wide range of academic and educational events for our members  throughout the year. These have included things such as GP Career talks, Virtual Mock OSCEs, Instagram MCQs and Tackling Loneliness Projects! We are continuing to grow and develop as a society and if you would like to see a future event, get in touch. 

For full details and further information, be sure to check out our Facebook/Twitter/Instagram accounts.  



No elections are currently running