Malay Club

Bonding our Belfast community through Malay arts and culture
  • About
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Assalamualaikum dan Selamat Datang

Here at the Queen's Malay Club (QMC), our focus is to help Malaysian students and families residing in Belfast to achieve maximum comfort whilst living abroad. Despite the small size of the Malaysian community here in Belfast, we believe all of our members share a strong bond with each other, strong enough to consider ourselves as one big family.

We organise a number of activities and events throughout the year to help overcome any homesickness that would naturally occur in students studying abroad.

Sign up link (for new and returning members):


Some of our main events, in this coming year, include Belfast Beraya, an Eid celebration event aimed for all not just the Muslim community. We also hold an annual Family Day, which targets to bridge the gap between Malaysian students and families here in Belfast. Not to mention, our 'main event' so to speak, the Belfast Malaysian Games (in collaboration with MSSNI and UKEC) where we host Football, Basketball and Badminton Tournaments at QUB PEC.

Our aims:

  • Help both Malaysian students and families residng in Belfast overcome any homesickness from studying and living abroad

  • Bridge the gap between Malaysian students and families to create a 'Kampung' vibe community

  • Emphasise and focus on the religious aspects of the Malay community in Belfast

We try our very best, in one way or another, to help make you feel at home. So come join us and be part of our family and we promise to bring home closer to your hearts.

We welcome you, no matter what race or religion, because at the end of the day we are one big happy family.


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Malay Club

Bonding our Belfast community through Malay arts and culture

Assalamualaikum dan Selamat Datang

Here at the Queen's Malay Club (QMC), our focus is to help Malaysian students and families residing in Belfast to achieve maximum comfort whilst living abroad. Despite the small size of the Malaysian community here in Belfast, we believe all of our members share a strong bond with each other, strong enough to consider ourselves as one big family.

We organise a number of activities and events throughout the year to help overcome any homesickness that would naturally occur in students studying abroad.

Sign up link (for new and returning members):


Some of our main events, in this coming year, include Belfast Beraya, an Eid celebration event aimed for all not just the Muslim community. We also hold an annual Family Day, which targets to bridge the gap between Malaysian students and families here in Belfast. Not to mention, our 'main event' so to speak, the Belfast Malaysian Games (in collaboration with MSSNI and UKEC) where we host Football, Basketball and Badminton Tournaments at QUB PEC.

Our aims:

  • Help both Malaysian students and families residng in Belfast overcome any homesickness from studying and living abroad

  • Bridge the gap between Malaysian students and families to create a 'Kampung' vibe community

  • Emphasise and focus on the religious aspects of the Malay community in Belfast

We try our very best, in one way or another, to help make you feel at home. So come join us and be part of our family and we promise to bring home closer to your hearts.

We welcome you, no matter what race or religion, because at the end of the day we are one big happy family.



No elections are currently running