Wikipedia Editing Group for Dentistry

QUB’s Wikipedia Editing Group for Dentistry gives dental students the opportunity to take the knowledge they’ve acquired in lectures and apply it outside the clinical setting.
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QUB’s Wikipedia Editing Group for Dentistry gives dental students the opportunity to take the knowledge they’ve acquired in lectures and apply it outside the clinical setting. Many dental topics on Wikipedia have incorrect information and are poorly referenced, so our team aims to edit these pages using reliable sources. This society is part of the Wikipedia Collaboration of Dental Schools (WCODS) which was founded in Dundee in in partnership with the Cochrane Collaboration. This initiate started in 2016 and has now spread to many dental schools in the UK, US, Malaysia and Egypt. At the end of each editing cycle, participants will have the opportunity to present their work at an annual conference in Dundee, Scotland and meet participants from other dental schools. Students who edit will also receive a certificate from Cochrane Oral Health for their efforts.

If you have an queries, please message us on instagram @qub_wiki or email us at 


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Wikipedia Editing Group for Dentistry

QUB’s Wikipedia Editing Group for Dentistry gives dental students the opportunity to take the knowledge they’ve acquired in lectures and apply it outside the clinical setting.

QUB’s Wikipedia Editing Group for Dentistry gives dental students the opportunity to take the knowledge they’ve acquired in lectures and apply it outside the clinical setting. Many dental topics on Wikipedia have incorrect information and are poorly referenced, so our team aims to edit these pages using reliable sources. This society is part of the Wikipedia Collaboration of Dental Schools (WCODS) which was founded in Dundee in in partnership with the Cochrane Collaboration. This initiate started in 2016 and has now spread to many dental schools in the UK, US, Malaysia and Egypt. At the end of each editing cycle, participants will have the opportunity to present their work at an annual conference in Dundee, Scotland and meet participants from other dental schools. Students who edit will also receive a certificate from Cochrane Oral Health for their efforts.

If you have an queries, please message us on instagram @qub_wiki or email us at 



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