Students' Union Elections

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Candidate for the position of Undergraduate School Representative - School of Natural and Built Environment (SNBE)

Joel Sheridan

SNBE, more like SNBEST. I am not a comedian for a reason ig, but I can be your school rep, that could be pretty cool.

Yea its manifesto time lets gooo, time to ramble at 4am, hell yeah.

I've been on the Students Union Council since like September so I know how this show works, hoping we get the Climate Action Group set up soon (yall should join it, I hear everyone that joins it is automatically super cool too or smth (•ω•´*))

Follows on a bit from the SU's Democratise, Decolonialise Demilitarise campaign, with the main aim being QUB's divestment in fossil fuels (and arms companies) and on-campus sustainability.

Did yall know SNBE is Architecture, Civil Engineering, Planning, Geography and Archaeology-Palaeocology? There's your fun fact of the day I guess.

I'm doin Geog, vote for me? (^ω^)