Christian Union (CU)

We are students transformed by and growing in the love of Christ, sharing this love on campus.
  • About
  • Events
  • Elections


We are students transformed by and growing in the love of Christ, sharing this love on campus.

We believe the message of God sending his son Jesus Christ to this earth to rescue us is a message worth sharing. If you want to hear more about Jesus and why he had to come, you are invited along to any of our events. If you are keen to help out, we would love you get involved. 

"Come to me all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28

Weekly Meeting

Our core event, start the week of in the heart of our CU community. Every Monday, 7:30pm @The Majestic, Lisburn Road

Small Groups

These course specific groups are a great way to learn more about the Bible and meet others. Groups meet once a week on either Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays or Fridays.


Pre CU prayer @The Majestic, Monday 7:00pm Prayer Breakfast @CUI offices, Elmwood Avenue Every Wednesday, 8am


A weekly event for international students. Every Tuesday, 7:30pm @Crescent Church, 6 University Road


There are lots of ways to serve in QUBCU. From helping out on a Monday night in our welcome team to our international ministry or sharing Christ's love on campus. Find out more about serving @qubcu on Instagram.

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Christian Union (CU)

We are students transformed by and growing in the love of Christ, sharing this love on campus.

We are students transformed by and growing in the love of Christ, sharing this love on campus.

We believe the message of God sending his son Jesus Christ to this earth to rescue us is a message worth sharing. If you want to hear more about Jesus and why he had to come, you are invited along to any of our events. If you are keen to help out, we would love you get involved. 

"Come to me all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28

Weekly Meeting

Our core event, start the week of in the heart of our CU community. Every Monday, 7:30pm @The Majestic, Lisburn Road

Small Groups

These course specific groups are a great way to learn more about the Bible and meet others. Groups meet once a week on either Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays or Fridays.


Pre CU prayer @The Majestic, Monday 7:00pm Prayer Breakfast @CUI offices, Elmwood Avenue Every Wednesday, 8am


A weekly event for international students. Every Tuesday, 7:30pm @Crescent Church, 6 University Road


There are lots of ways to serve in QUBCU. From helping out on a Monday night in our welcome team to our international ministry or sharing Christ's love on campus. Find out more about serving @qubcu on Instagram.

Find us on:




No elections are currently running