Queen’s Student Managed Fund (QSMF) seeks to achieve positive returns through superior stock selection using quantitative and qualitative fundamental analysis. This is a real money student managed investment fund. The goal is to achieve consistent long term positive returns by optimally managing downside risk. The Fund seeks to mitigate risk through sufficient diversification and through a series of strict rules and procedures.
Students may apply to be an analyst or a member of the student committee. Students make all investment decisions provided they adhere to the Fund’s investment policy as determined by an Oversight Committee of academic staff.
Although each class will manage the fund for two semesters (autumn and spring), decisions should be consistent with a longer time horizon. The Fund can invest in equities (UK only); OEICs; Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs); and cash. Financial leverage must not be used nor can the Fund enter short positions.
The Fund’s dealing account is held with the Davy Group, Ireland's leading provider of wealth management, asset management, capital markets and financial advisory services.