Vote Grace #1 for Education Officer! Vote for me for 48hour lecture recordings, removal of bunched deadlines and placement fees, a better academic community, amplification of student voices and more. I have the experience necessary, and I would love to represent you all. Grace for Education: your voice, our future!

Fighting For
- Creating a Better Academic Community
- 48 Hour Lecture Recordings
- Reducing Placement Fees
- Amplifying Student Voices
- Reducing Bunched Deadlines
Who am I and why am I running?
Hi! I'm Grace and I’m in my fourth year studying psychology. I am the current SU Voice Intern, and I work closely with the current Education Officer and with the student reps, meaning I have extensive experience advocating for the student voice.In my placement year I worked as an Education Student Support Officer where I sat on staff committees, worked with the SWAN genderequality team, and used my student voice to bring perspective. I set up 'Grace's Placement Picks Page' on canvas to promote opportunities for future students, and organised zoo day's,movie nights and away days to promote community and wellbeing among students.
I have been a peer mentor, career peer, and have engaged with SU Volunteer with the homework clubs, as well as taking part in the SU Enterprise Innovateher programme. My time engaging with the Students' Union and the Education system has shown me the need for a strong advocate to represent students and their academic needs - and I am that person.
have always been passionate about advocating for people’s rights. As a fluent Irish speaker, I am passionate about increasing Irish visibility and spreading the love of the language throughout the university. I worked for 3 years on the youth action panel SpunOut, and have been a vocal public advocate for reforming the Education system because of the undue pressure it places on young people. I am ready to represent the student voice at QUB as your next Education Officer.
Creating a Better Academic Community
In a post-COVID environment, the appetite for students to engage with on campus activities is huge. The Course, School and Faculty Rep recruitment and engagement this year has shown now more than ever how loud the Student Voice can be.
The OMNI mental health report showed that the vast majority of students are worried about their mental health, and don't feel part of a community within their school. We need to have staff and students working together to fix this.
- Working with the Learning Development Service to go into schools to deliver skill support workshops (canvas, referencing, google scholar) for transitioning students.
- Student Support Officer in each School to offer local advice to students on wellbeing and community.
- Smoothing the transition into each year by running social events to promote community within schools.
Enhancing Flexible Learning
There have been strides forward in digital learning in recent years, but this is still not good enough! Students want the ability to choose how they learn; whether this is face to face or online. Students are paying to study, and should be able to make decisions on their education. Blended learning provides the opportunity for university to be accessible to more people than ever, and I won't let that be lost.
- Lecture recording for every class posted within 48 hours.
- Make timetables available earlier so students can plan their living situation, caring responsibilities and work schedules.
- Improve communications around exams, and reduce exam weighting.
- Provide an average class grade so students can track progress without feeling pressure to ask.
- Reduce bunched deadlines by increasing collaboration between module coordinators to plan deadlines before the year starts.
Amplifying Student Voices
Too many of us are not aware of who our representatives are within our course, and so we suffer in silence. It’s vital that students have the opportunity to provide feedback, both positive and negative, to help shape their education and make the changes they want to see. As your Education Officer, I am fully committed to strengthening the student voice - I will make sure every student on every course has representation.
- Create video training resources that can be accessed anytime, anywhere to make the role accessible to every single student.
- Continue development of the Academic Hub where students can find out who their course rep is and provide direct feedback.
- Continue to encourage a strong community of representatives with more social activities for team building and increased identity with the Union. A stronger identity with the union means a stronger and united voice
Careers Support
I want to increase awareness about the opportunities Queen’s offers to students for part time, voluntary, placement and graduate positions. There is often little support from schools regarding placements, relevant part time work and career progression after graduation. Schools need to take responsibility and organise career events, talks and canvas pages for students to find out about opportunities tailored to their degree.
- Reducing placement fees from £750
- Workshops on the use of My Future, QWork and other relevant careers sites.
- Workplace visits by schools during placements.
- Establishing relationships with future employers prior to graduation by having visits to relevant workplaces to find out more about potential careers.
I want to support students throughout their time in Queen’s and ensure the door isn’t shut upon graduation.
Instagram- grace.foreducation
Tiktok- grace.foreducation