Hi everyone, my name is Sinéad and I am currently studying English with Creative Writing. Recently I became a course rep as I wanted to give everyone the opportunity to be listened to and heard. My contribution should hopefully contribute to a happy positive uni experience.
So what makes me the ideal person to represent YOU??
I am a mum of 2 children so have had lots of life experience and I feel I am extremely approachable and easy to talk to. Talking to a stranger can be daunting but I promise you can put all your trust in me.
I want the opinions or concerns of everyone to be heard whether they be good or bad. If something is working well in your course, it is important to share this with the faculty. If there is an aspect that needs improving come and have a chat over a cuppa.
I intend to try and support every student throughout their journey. A fresh face can bring new energy to the team and also new ideas to constantly improve our community and everyone in it.
Of course there will be stuglles in the world that will affect everyone at some point in their lives but the student union have worked extremely hard in supporting us.
The last and very important detail to include is to make sure you have fun along the way. I hope to receive your support moving forward and I will give it my absolute best
Thank you