A chairde! I'm your current Students' Union President, and I'm returning to study at Queen's in September. Young people are the future, and there is no Planet B. Vote Beth #1!

Hi! A chairde!
I’m Beth, your current Students’ Union President! I’m returning to Queen’s to study my second degree and I’ve loved working for you in the Students’ Union – so I thought I’d return for more and run to be your Environmental Action Association Chair.
As President, I’ve worked on a lot of Sustainability projects, including:
- Relaunching the Climate Action Group.
- Hosting Student Assemblies for the Planetary Crisis.
- Speaking on numerous panels about Climate Education.
- Chairing the Environmental and Ethical Committee.
- Lobbying the University to divest from fossil fuels and arms companies, and to adopt an ethical investment policy.
If elected, there are several things I’d like to keep working on, and some new ideas I’d love to get going!
1. Climate Education Module for all Students
Most students at Queen’s have no formalised Climate Education, never mind anything related to their degree. This year, I’ve been working with staff and students at the University to put together a module designed by students, for students. If elected, I will continue this work and ensure all students receive the education they deserve.
2. Discounted Student Travel Vard for all ages
The current y-link card gives a 50% discount for 16–24-year old’s using public transport. We know this age bracket doesn’t reflect our students at Queen’s, and with a functioning government, I plan to put a student travel card on the agenda, to ensure sustainable travel is affordable for all students.
3. Community Building
I’ve had an amazing time meeting students and running events this year. I’d love to focus on bringing people together through sustainable fashion, crafts, and activism, and build a fun and inclusive community.
I hope you will give me your vote and let me continue delivering for you next year! Go raibh mile mile mile maith agath!!