Candidate for the position of Undergraduate School Representative - School of Law (SLAW)
Thomas King
Your voice, your rights, your rep to get real results- TJ King is your choice for a leader who listens and fights for you.
Why should you vote for TJ King?
Well, I'm glad you asked.
The School of Law at QUB is an essential part of the functionality of the entire University. That means that YOU are an essential and extremely vital part of QUB as a law student. Your voice is meant to be heard, amplified, and received in a manner that caters to your concerns and praises about everything QUB law.
As your undergrad rep, it is my responsibility to make sure YOU are heard. it's my job to make sure every single person who talks to me gets the change they want to be voiced to the people who can make that change happen.
As a current first-year rep, I listen to my fellow students on what they love and struggle with, from assignment feedback to lecture halls. I am not afraid to get up during a meeting and tell everyone what you all think- good or bad.
I know the feeling of sitting in Elmwood Hall at 9 AM while the sun blinds you from seeing the projector and your computer is falling off the seat. I know what it is like to be in a tutorial and sit in absolute silence after your professor asks you all a question. I know what it is like to receive vague instructions on an assignment and then spend hours flipping through the OSCOLA guide, trying to figure out what or why to pinpoint.
As a leader, I hope you know I am more than confident to speak publicly and voice the thoughts of the school for everyone to hear. I am excited to lead meetings in an organized fashion with expression from all groups of people, and I would love to give you the feedback you deserve to hear.
If you ever want to chat, come up to me. I will try to leave my business cards around the School of Law and Junction- keep an eye out for playing cards.
If you made it this far- I hope I earned your vote. If elected, I promise you will see your voice being heard and change being made. Thank you.