I'm Chloe, I'm 20 years old, and I use she/her pronouns. I'm also a trans woman.
While Queen's is already one of the better universities to be trans in, there is always still more that could be done. We as trans students still face challenges here that cis people often overlook; be it delays in first registering due to lack of ID with the right name on it, initials of email addresses not updating after a name change, and casual discrimination that often goes unnoticed.
As chair I will take active steps to combat issues like this, not just pay the ideas lip service. Only through decisive action can we as transgender people achieve meaningful change in our lives.
We must also not let our achievements to date fall apart in the face of rising transphobia in wider society. I will fight to ensure transphobic speakers are never invited to events hosted by the university. I will fight to ensure students will still not need the impossible to obtain gender recognition certificate in order to change the gender they are registered under at Queen's. I will fight to keep updated student ID cards for students who have transitioned free of charge.
I hope to have your help to do this.