SU Elections

Candidate for the position of Undergraduate School Representative - Social Sciences, Education and Social Work (SSESW)

Image for Marianne Barnes

Marianne Barnes

Hear to elevate the voices of SSESW!

Hello! My name is Marianne, and I’m running for School Rep again. I am the current SSESW School Rep and have participated in many projects such as improving our assessment feedback and supporting the reestablishment of the social work society. I study Criminology with Quantitative Data and love being a part of this school whilst bringing students a voice.

As your School Rep, I will ensure that all voices within our school are heard, valued, and represented. Together, we can create an environment where we all feel safe to speak up and to feel supported in our needs.

Why I’m Running:

I’m passionate about making our school not only a place of academic excellence but also a supportive and engaging space where students from all disciplines feel empowered. As your representative, I will listen to your concerns, work for meaningful change, and build stronger connections between students school and the administration.

My Aims:

  1. Transparent Student Representation:
    I will be an active and approachable representative who listens to your feedback. I want people to know the faces who are voicing your needs. Whether you’re concerned about course structure, resources, or support, I will ensure your voices are communicated clearly to decision-makers and acted upon.
  2. Improving Cross-Department Collaboration:
    Our School hosts many skills, and I want to foster more opportunities for events, projects, and learning experiences where all courses are working together. Collaboration is key to a deeper education, and I will work to create platforms for students from different fields to share ideas and learn from one another, as we already collaborate often in lectures and tutorials.
  3. Promoting Inclusivity and Diversity:
    Social Sciences and Social work are rooted in understanding diverse perspectives. I will ensure that our School continues to prioritize inclusivity and diversity in both curriculum and student life so that all students feel represented and supported.
  4. Academic Development and Engagement:
    I will push for more opportunities for academic enrichment for courses that may feel they aren’t heard as much as others in the school. I want to bring more opportunities for guest speakers to talk about career opportunities that apply to multiple principles and I am here to encourage you all to ask for facilities that our schools may be missing that can enhance learning.

I Will:

  • Actively listen to your feedback and concerns.
  • Work to create a more inclusive, supportive, and engaging environment within our school.
  • Ensure that all students have access to the resources and opportunities they need to succeed.

Together, we can make SSESW a place where every student feels heard, valued, and supported. I would be honoured to represent you and work toward the positive changes we all deserve.

Vote me for your SSESW School Representative!

Thank you for your support!