SU Elections

Candidate for the position of Student Officer Accessible Education

Image for Morrigan McEvoy

Morrigan McEvoy

A vote for me is a vote for improved learning conditions, bringing together our community, upholding and enhancing Queens' sustainability pledge, and building a safe, welcoming campus for all. A vote for me is a vote for change, reliability, and honesty. A vote for me is a vote for you!

I am standing for the role of accessible education officer! My main aims are to improve lecture conditions, bring together the Queen's community, fight back against the cost of living crisis, push Queen's towards complete divestment from fossil fuels in 2025, and bring some more life to the Student Union.

Who I am

My name is Mórrigan McEvoy and I am a second-year psychology student. As such, I am interested in helping people, and becoming a student officer would be the perfect way to use my skills effectively for change. As a psychology course rep, I am well-versed in dealing with people's concerns and critiques about university life, so I know that I could rise to the challenge of becoming a student officer. 

I am a member of the Psychology Society, the French Society, and the Walkie Talkie Girlies Society. Women's safety is very important to me and is something that I want to raise awareness for as a student officer.

Why I am Running

I am running for this position because I want everyone to have the same opportunities at university- socially and academically. I want students at Queen's who are having a hard time to know that someone on campus is rooting for them, and will always be there to help. 

I am also inspired to pursue this role because I am an activist and I want to advocate for students. I have taken part in several protests such as the protest on Queens’ campus for Palestine because I stand up for what I believe in.

Better lecture conditions

Many students' needs tare not being met in lectures which means that they are not learning effectively. Students who have a physical disability are not given enough support to find the location of their lectures. To combat navigation issues, I would create a tool that would allow students to search for a classroom and receive instructions on how to get there to reduce anxiety and save time.Equally, some students who have sight problems find it hard to read lecture slides or see them at all due to the lighting in the lecture. This needs to be changed and checks must be put in place  to ensure that students can access all material easily so that they are not disadvantaged by this oversight. 

Community and Cost of Living

There is not enough done to ensure that students across all levels of the university have opportunities to meet others and form friendships. Equally, with the cost of living crisis, students may decide not to go out and socialise because they do not have enough money. To combat this, I will implement free activities in the SU to allow for more opportunities to meet like-minded peers, and to do it for free! An example of this would be an amateur pool tournament. 

Not enough is done to address the financial barriers that international students face. To address this, I will provide resources about budgeting and getting local part-time jobs, as well as applying for bursaries and grants. 

Boost Sustainability

I will hold Queen's accountable for their pledge to completely divest from fossil fuels by 2025. Students should also be informed of their environmental impact and how they can reduce it, particularly focusing on issues such as water usage from AI and how to recycle effectively. In a communal effort towards net-zero emissions, I will organise litter-picking events around campus to highlight the issue of sustainability and global warming.

I will also ensure that buildings on campus turn out lights once rooms are empty and that computers are turned off when they are not being used.

Bigger Events in the SU

Students can be intimidated to branch out and go to the SU on their own to try and meet people. To encourage people to come to the union, I will work towards having more activities in the Union, like a talent show or celebrations of culture like European Day of Languages. To accommodate students who commute to campus, I will fight for events to be held earlier in the day so that people can avoid rush hour on their way home. 

YOU'RE THE VOTE, I'M THE VOICE. Vote for MÓRRIGAN in the election from March 3rd-6th on!