Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question about Course Reps?

We've put together some answers to Frequently Asked Questions.

If you can’t find the answer to your question here, feel free to contact us!

  • What is the time commitment for the role?

    Course Reps usually spend 2-4 hours per week on the role. This can include conversations with staff/students, attending meetings with the Students’ Union or with your School, or reading up on proposals or getting the opinions of students on your course.

  • Is the role eligible for Queen’s Future Ready Award?

    All Course Reps who complete the mandatory training, attend Student Voice Committees, and engage with the role, are eligible to use the experience to apply for Future Ready Award (Combined Experience).

  • What opportunities are available?

    We are currently seeking undergraduate Course Reps for Level 2, Level 3, Level 4 and Level 5 for 2024-25. If you are studying at these levels next year, you can apply!

    We are looking for Course Reps in all Schools (except for the School of Nursing and Midwifery, who are recruited through a separate process).

  • What is the Course Rep recruitment process?

    The application process for Course Reps has been simplified to make it easier for you to apply, and easier for the Students’ Union to support Course Reps.

    Here is how it works:

    • We recruit all undergraduate Course Reps in April/May 2024 for students who will be studying at Levels 2-5 in 2024-25.
    • We recruit postgraduate Course Reps in Sep/Oct 2024 for 2024-25.
    • Applicants are required to complete a brief application form to register their interest.
    • Most courses have one Course Rep per year. Some large courses have more then one rep per year. This is agreed between Schools and the Students' Union.
    • If more than one person applies for a role, the successful volunteers will usually be selected by random selection.
    • We will process applications once the application deadline has passed and will inform applicants of the outcome in the days afterwards, normally within four weeks.
    • By applying to be a Course Rep, you are agreeing to comply with the Rules of the Students' Union and of the University and are agreeing that your personal data may be processed in accordance with the Students' Unions' Privacy Notice.

  • When do Course Reps commence in their roles?

    Formally, Course Reps recruited in Mar/April/May commence in their roles from 1 August.

    However, in practical terms, there is little, if any commitment required by Course Reps over the summer months. Occasionally, if there are major changes planned to your programme of study, or to the University, they may be asked to give feedback/input during the summer months. (This is quite rare.)

    Course Reps reruited in September/October commence in their role striaght away once the recruitment proces has completed!

  • Do Course Reps have to organise class parties/socials.(etc)

    No! The role is specifically about improving the academic experience. If you want to get involved organsing social activities, you can - but it is entirely optional. In most cases, there will be an academic student Society who support the social side of life in your School!

    There are also loads of great opportunities for you to get involved in projects in your School and in the Students' Union, but these are optional and you should not feel any obligation to get involved in things that are not core to your role.

  • Can current undergraduate Course Reps continue in thier roles?

    If you were a Course Rep in 2022-23 and wish to continue, you must re-apply by completing the application form using the same process as other applicants.

  • Do Course Reps help individual students with their problems?

    The role is that of an academic representative. Course Reps are not trained, or expected, to support individual students with their personal situations. There are a broad range of professional supports in place - such as SU Advice, the Student Wellbeing Service, and Advisors of Study - to advise and support students with their issues.

    Course Reps will receive information and training on how to signpost students to relevant support services.

  • What training do Course Reps receive?

    Course Reps are provided with core training which takes approx. two hours to complete.

    Core training can be completed over the summer months and throughout the year.

    Course Reps are also required to attend an in-person follow-up training session.

    Additional optional skills development sessions will take during the academic year, as will additional briefings / training on key academic issues.

    There are regular Academic Rep Forums hosted by the Students’ Union during the year. These also provide opportunities to ask questions, get feedback, share ideas and learn about emerging academic issues.

    We are supporters of developing a community of those interested in improving the academic experience. There are regular meetings with other Reps, Student Officers and University staff where you will meet new people and actively participate in improving the academic experience in Queen's.

  • Are Course Rep roles paid?

    These posts are voluntary and are not paid.

    However they are an excellent way to gain experience, develop new skills, and help your fellow students.

  • What other Rep Roles are available?

    The Students’ Union recruits Course Reps, School Reps, Faculty Reps, Student Councillors, Student Association Committee members and Full-Time Student Officers who represent students across the University.

    Full-Time Student Officers, Undergraduate Faculty and School Reps, and Student Association committee members are usually recruited in Feb/Mar each year.

    Undergraduate Course Reps are usually recruited in Apr/May each year.

    Postgraduate Faculty and Course Reps and Student Councillors are usually recruited in Sep/Oct each year. We also recruit for any vacant undergraduate Course Rep roles at this time.

    Info about vacancies is ublished on the Students' Union website throughout the year.

  • What disability support is provided to Course Reps?

    The Students’ Union and University aim to be as accessible as possible. We will make all the reasonable adjustments that we can to make Course Rep roles as accessible as possible.

    Each case will be different and require a personalised approach. If you have any queries contact the SU Voice team in the Students' Union at the earliest possible opportunity and we can start working on a tailored support package to meet your requirements.