Student Rep Recruitment (Sept/Oct 2024) - Info for Staff
Recruitment is underway for thus year’s Student Reps.
We encourage staff to help promote these opportunities to their students. We have made this as easy as possible by creating a Promotional Toolkit and Promotional Graphics for Schools to use.
These Student Rep opportunities are open to all students, undergraduate and postgraduate. There are Course Rep (UG and PG), School Rep (PG) and Faculty Rep (PG) academic rep roles available. In addition, there are also Students’ Union Council and Student Association Chairperson roles available.
The Course Rep roles include some Level 2 – Level 5 positions which were not filled during the last round of recruitment in April/May 2024.
The deadline for students to volunteer for roles is 5pm, Thursday 26 September 2024.
If you have any queries, please contact the SU Voice team in the Students' Union.