QSU SU Voice
This survey is no longer available.
  • Background

    The Northern Ireland Executive has directed that a Strategy to End Violence Against Women and Girls be developed, and the Executive Office is leading this work across departments.

    After lobbying by Queen’s Students’ Union and other students’ unions, the Executive Office has agreed that there will be a specific area of the strategy which will focus on students.

    The QSU Student Officer Equality and Diversity has been nominated by the Executive Office as the lead representative of NI students to provide input into the co-design process for the strategy.

  • Definitions

    In this survey, "violence" refers to any kind of targeted harassment, discrimination, or assault, from micro-aggressions and misogyny, through to violent and abusive behaviour. It includes physical, verbal, and institutional violence.

    "Female" refers to anybody identifying as a woman or girl, whether they are cisgender or transgender.

  • Use of Data (including Personal Data)

    All the information you provide is confidential and you will not be personally identifiable in any reports or other outputs produced because of this research.

    Data will be processed in according with the Privacy Notice for this consultation.

    Personal data provided (including email address and institution information) will not be available to any individual analysing data.

    Any personally identifiable information, about a respondent or any other individual, will be removed prior to analysis.

    Any specific details relating to incidents of sexual violence (as per our definition) will be removed from the data prior to analysis.

    Individuals wishing to report incidents or sexual violence should contact the Police Service of Northern Ireland, or a relevant institutional support service. Disclosing / referencing incidents of sexual violence in this consultation does not constitute a report and will not be followed up.

  • Support Services

    If you have been affected by participation in this survey, you can seek support from the following services.

    General Support Services

    Queen's University Belfast

    Ulster University